White Truffle Prices Are Plunging Right Now

White Truffle Prices Are Plunging Right Now

If you’re a white truffle freak, today is your lucky day.

Heavy rain around Alba, Italy—the notorious growing grounds for white truffles—has led to an abundance of these prized fungi. After a successful harvest season, prices are dropping, with the average cost 30 percent lower than last year.

According to Bloomberg, roughly $109 will get you about 72 grams of white truffles, compared to 52 grams in 2015. White truffles need very specific conditions to grow, and the season usually runs between November and January. Thanks to the rain this year, however, they started appearing in September.

Still, it’s worth noting that the price of white truffles heavily depends on the relationships between wholesalers, distributors and chefs. So though supply has driven prices down, it might not stay that way. Meaning, get while the getting’s good.

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